nik muiz is very good person. many girls like him. also a handsome guy. the girl who knows him will falling in love to nik muiz.
someone else: there is nik muiz, he's very nice and smart guy
also someone else: i falling in love with him with the first sight, ohh!!
by by vent romano November 24, 2021
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A person who is a idiot, who will do anything to not be viewed as a emo.
"What are you? A Nik Kelly?"

"Stop it! You are hurting my feeling!" Nik Kelly said.
by ThatNazi December 16, 2017
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Nik hyati is a curse word that is used by most of Algerian teenagers it means fuck my life u can also say "nik zebi" or "tnktlha" they all have the same meaning
Nada: maria when have an exam today
Maria : nik hyati !
by Lina chaba February 7, 2023
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The best type of woman to come across. God’s gift to men. Beautiful eyes and even more beautiful skin. Shaped like a coke bottle. Loyal, smart, dedicated, loving. Very caring, emotional, and sweet. Sensual, sexy and great in bed. Submissive and caters to her man’s every need. She also has a very dope sense of style. If you lose her, you’re dumb.
Get you a Nik Freeman. Mine changed my life!
by Haitian King November 23, 2021
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She's beautiful inside and outside. Whoever known her always blessed, and also good. She know what to do for her future. She's the hottest among her friends. But, she's not fully confident with herself. She is smart btw
A: do u know who's the top student in our school?

B: yea, it is Nik Umairah!
by September 9, 2022
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*ara ir viesulvetra*
Niks: Cikos imant?
Raitis: stulbais niks
by ripkarlis June 1, 2022
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