1. A moving object to inflict pain on someone/thing.
2. Another meaning of the word crunk.
3. A form of rap most commonly used by Birdman and Notorious B.I,G.
4. Nick To steal or perminantly borrow an object of desire.
"Grab that nicholas and kill him"

"Lets go down to the shop and nick"
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The guy who successfully managed to pirate Warcraft III, so that he could play Defense of the Ancients.
EvaX : I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast, to Nicholas Alexander, for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of the Ancients, congratulations Nick, enjoy your DOTA. *sips coom* ahh~~.
by PlumStream24 September 1, 2020
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The kid who made $100k at just 13 off scooter wheel company lb scoots.
He is considered to be a really good designer of products. He was asked to be on shark tank.
(It is used in a sentence kind of like “sliced bread”)
Nicholas Pinto's status as a cool kid was confirmed when he made $100k at just 13.
by satoshinaakamoto October 17, 2020
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An Asian kid, a simp, has an addiction and has no self-control to Minecraft and has autism. His fetish includes: short asian girls, and Minecraft.
Jerry: Have you heard Nicholas Le got rejected by Bailey.
Levi: Of course he did, he is a simp.
by G00FST3R January 23, 2020
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A Dirty Nicholas is when you fuck a chick at the top of the stairs and then ride her down the stairs like a toboggan with your dick still in her. Note: the stairs must be carpeted and the carpet must be white.
I gave that bitch a dirty nicholas and now I have to pay to have her nose fixed and her carpet cleaned.
by Scot Harvath March 14, 2018
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