the act of taking somebody's pillow and shoving it in an asscrack and rubbing it back and forth to get that smell, also farting on a pillow can constitue as hamming or hamming it up
you are hamming your towel by doing that
by slapapig September 23, 2003
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When a man's penis print can be seen through his pants.
by OddEyeSee December 8, 2018
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Short for ham sandwich this is a person who will do anything for pussy
Hes such a ham. Paid for her uber to his house and back to her house.
by Gainz4you April 11, 2020
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Ham is a beautiful, cute, sexy, gorgeous, hot girl. Just a good looking girl. It's as simple as that!
Hey Frank!!! Check out that Ham over there!
Hey!! That's my Ham!

That's some Ham right there!
I'd like a piece of that Ham ;)
That was some good Ham :p
by TheHamMan November 2, 2013
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to get loud on a person or to go crazy.
"Im went ham on that girl today."
by nilaun December 17, 2009
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an incognito term for marijuana
helpful when trying to be discreet
Hey man, is the deli open cause I need some ham.
by The Doc March 3, 2003
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