They really are the 'Greatest of all time'. They're the most interesting, lovable and entertaining pets one could ever have. Not only is goats milk nutritionally wholesome, but it contains so many health benefits, much more than cow's milk. It strengthens your immunity, protects your heart, anti-inflammatory and prevents toxins from accumulating in the body which is caused by extreme flatulence caused by cows raised for beef and builds strong bones.

Contrary to popular belief, mythical stories and silly songs, Goats do not eat anything and everything that isn't bolted down nor will they eat shoes, shelves and tin cans. Fact is, Goats are very resourceful and true survivors. They are supremely picky and choosy and only settle for the most nutritious that's available. While other livestock such as Cows and sheep feed off low-quality forage, goats will be like "This is a joke right!, you don't expect me to eat this shit. I'll lay on it, maybe pee on it, but I'm not eating this crap, call the sheep to eat it". Goats eat the most nutritional part and leave the rest for the sheep to wipe out. They enjoy munching on fruit and vegetables, plants, raisins and seeds and alfalfa, kelp meal and baking soda to helps their digestive system and stops bloating.
Put in the effort and get yourself a goat, the benefits are enriching and rewarding and they make great pets.
Farmer: "Aren't these sheep sick of eating hay and Prince's dog food". "When the grass and weeds begin to sprout, I let them to forage but they prefer to eat rubbish"
Simone: "They're so used to eating low-grade hay and the goats remains, they're not capable of identifying good quality feed"
Farmer: "Yeah, I suppose so". Sheep might be fluffy, but they're freakin dumber than donkeys".
Simone: "We'll get rid of them after we shear them and invest in some goats, they're more beneficial. We can sell goats milk & Yoghurt, probiotic kefir, cheese, baby formula, goat soap, candles, beer, goat hide and mohair and cashmere".
Farmer: "Shit yeah, we'll be billionaires. We can sell the formula to the Asians!".

My Goat Dumbledore is truly the G.O.A.T.
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Yo can i get a dollar?
Yeah i go you.
Yo glooks your a GOAT.
by Im cracked May 11, 2019
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When a goat doesn't like it
Jemmy: "Goat says it's a no-goat"
Goat: "No-Goat"
Sheep: "Why is our captain a crab"

by Is it 2022 yet? April 11, 2021
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when she has bigger balls than you
Bane fucked the Goate of Wallstreet to show him that she was the boss.
by Claytun on Radio One January 3, 2022
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will let you know if someone has called you a lightweight and will pierce your ears. is a real g . very funny i will say and looks very preetty in wings lolz even if theyre 6tiny.
the goat is grace subwaygirl
by heeheehaahaalolz September 5, 2023
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The act of 'goating' or to 'goat' oneself, is to piss your pants in a public place when under the influence of alcohol
Benny goated himself in McDonalds on New Years Eve with his erstwhile companion Timothy. He then twatted an Iraqi
by Scruttock March 21, 2005
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