Bonnie is a name that best belongs to those who find endearing truth in absolute bullshit submitted by others who share a mindset with victims of astrology and a short bus. Bonnie's are often gullible and aren't shy to be confidently wrong about any and all subjects.
"Did you guys hear? Bonnie tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a basement window!'
by Jim Beetzov February 19, 2023
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The song that is everyone’s jam, that unites all kekkers around the world tOgEtHeR. Say these words and next thing you know you start a devoted choir
Timothy: “Hey, what’s up?”
Ethan: “I’ve been grooving to My Bonnie lately, wanna join?”
Timothy: “Sure! Let’s invite Koh
Timothy, Ethan and Koh: “My Bonnie lies over the ocean.....”
by ePiC AiDs September 12, 2018
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The dopest G-mother of them all. She will shoot hoops with you in the drive, bake you a pumpkin pie or knit you an afghan to keep you warm at night. You can always count on Grandma Bonnie. When she’s shooting hoops be sure to call her LeBronnie. While eating Mexican it’s got to be Bonito Burrito. Stay solid with your Grandma Bonnie, she can’t be replaced. Bomac2002 foreva!!!
Happy Mother’s Day Grandma Bonnie, you da bomb!!
by KellyKellyCle May 8, 2022
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Dang, those shoes are bonni sized.
by allisonigguh February 2, 2009
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Bonnie and Holden. 2 weird ass motherfuckers. Both in the mafia. Both capos. They are the shit. Usually seen in a strip club. Both look insanely gay.
Bonnie and Holden are the best
by Dhdhsjhs January 16, 2022
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