Monday, December 5th is the day to wear your boots to school, (cowboys, “takuaches”) or even just for fun, rock your boots without any cares!
“I’m gonna wear my boots to school (wear your boots to school day) on Monday!”
by Thatkid66 December 5, 2021
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A homosexual cowboy with flashy or bedazzled boots usually from Colorado or parts of Texas.
Cowboy; look at that rough rider, id like to smoke his skin wagon.

Other Cowboy; Oh yea look at those Sizzle boots, id let him take me for a ride up broke back mountain.

Cowboy; check out the sizzle boots on that ranch hand over there fixin that tractor.

Other Cowboy; id suck that grease right off his finger.
by White_horse November 6, 2019
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Having mad chafe in your genital region cause it to 'squelch' like a boot. Cause by not washing for a while
Bro, I think I have some serious squelch boot. Haven't washed in about a month
by therealfrenchtickler March 31, 2016
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the act of forgetting ones footwear while hastily returning from lunch
"where is your other shoe?"
"OH SHIT!, I must must have left it in the lunchroom!"

"Oh boy...another lunchboot"

see boot soup
by oren November 21, 2004
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a term used when someone steals your boots
1:did you steal my boots
1:betty nice boots
by ald August 19, 2021
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Verb; to forcefully kick someone in the mouth possibly knocking out their teeth
If you keep interrupting my stories I'm going to tooth boot you.

When Shim continued to rub his junk on my knee I tooth booted him.

Damn did you see when Iwanna tooth booted that girl and knocked out her grill?
by LakeBitch September 4, 2017
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Verb; to forcefully kick someone in the mouth possibly knocking out their teeth
If you keep interrupting my stories I'm going to tooth boot you.

When that fool continued to rub his junk on my knee I tooth booted him.

Damn did you see when Iwanna tooth booted that girl and knocked out her grill?
by LakeBitch September 4, 2017
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