2 men boy a game where they can only be in underwear for minimal protection of genitals/nuts/balls/what’s on a boy’s body then both men grab the others genitals and on the count of 3 start to squeeze the others genitals fist one to give up has to do what the winter says for a week
1: That was a good nut challenge

2: my nuts are sore from the nut challenge
by Biggest brain December 11, 2022
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A challenge in which you choose a product to eat a spoonful of. Preferably something not good tasting.
I ate cinnamon when I did the Spoonful Challenge!
by Awesomeajam March 4, 2017
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means ugly,gross,ill looking,ugly betty
uhuh i dont like merissa she is astheticaly challenged
by tianni fearon August 1, 2022
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The Greggs Challenge is a challenge to see who can buy something from all the Greggs in a town or city the fastest
Kai: 'I wanna optimise the time I got for The Greggs Challenge Sam, wanna help?'

Sam: 'How does this work? Is it just all the Greggs as fast as possible?'

Kai: 'Yep'

Sam: 'Time for public transport%'
by therealbbqman June 29, 2022
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To construct a full plate of assorted dinner foods, then slowly covering the ENTIRE plate in solid chocolate from the magical chocolate fountain.

The meal must be eaten alone while loudly grunting to attract attention.
For extra points enjoy a nice Horchata.
- My friends sat at another table and watched me do The GC Chocolate Challenge.
- How'd that play out?
-I'm not allowed back to any GC in the tri-state area, but chocolate covered chicken fried steak rocked my world.
by Tips Accepted December 24, 2013
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