Anyone who dares to ship Addison with Tucker instead of Midnight, or calls Slush gay (in Two Royals of the Forest: Addison)
You Cat-eared pup bowl! Addnight all the way!
by WolfpackFlowershade October 4, 2022
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When you leave a mass of water and still have the feeling of water still trapped inside of your ear
Surfer dude 1 -"Hey dude you wanna grab some food in 20"

Surfer dude 2 -"Sorry bro I didn't hear a word you said"

Surfer dude 1 - "Oh you got that swimmer's ear going on."
by the R3AL DEF March 17, 2016
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Listening or Critiquing a body of work, person, place or thing, with extensive judgement almost like you hate it before you know what it is.
Drake's album is really good, I listened with hater ears, I wanted to hate it but I like it.
by theFeenyx July 29, 2023
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When your ear is clogged in the nation of the United States
by Yea yea October 1, 2023
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A gender where you can’t identify as another gender unless 50 people have heard of it
Ear gender is false
by Yupinmywhitetee November 9, 2020
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Sarcastic reply to use when someone is being oblivious to something you just mentioned
Friend: So what're you doing this Saturday?
You: I'm spending the weekend at my girlfriend's house.
Friend: Cool, so you wanna come over? Like, on Saturday?
You: *You should see an ear doctor*. What the fuck do you think I just said???
by I hv no idea what I'm doing December 19, 2022
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