See 'Shake my head', or 'smh'; When one would witness or take part in an embarrassing situation where instead of shaking one's head, one would instead say "Shake my Dan" or "smd" due to Dan being a goddamn moron.
Wtf, they have 3 krakens and a laggy e-liter? "Shake my Dan.."
Dan: "I'm in the VC y'know."
by pastecat January 3, 2017
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2 sexy mo-fuckas that always turns the fuck up 24/7
Dan and Nick just got there dicks sucked.
by Crouchy November 8, 2018
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A person who is a living virus.
Once in contact with dan cavs u will suffer large diarrhoea and then will shortly die of shitting too much
Oh fuck im dan cavs posite
by Takeituptheass69 October 5, 2019
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A person who is related to Danny Devito and i love them
Nick: Omg you’re such a Dan Dan
by illvsoni November 25, 2021
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When you poop into the belly button of someone with a Herina.
"Dude! What the fuck is that?"
"That's my Dan Dan, man."
by 636Mufaletta July 30, 2022
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Something that was very impressive but ultimately down to luck and very unlikely to happen.
"wow, that was a proper Dan-Dan, I can't believe you managed to cheese that 250k high score David"
by K100J September 13, 2020
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