The emo sickness is when someone is not ok. During the period of time when someone has the sickness, they go through hard decisions that could decide their fate of how contagious it is. So people can get it from others which could lead to a large spread of the emo. The original spread of the emo sickness starts in the medieval ages, but it was gotten rid of. Now recently a new source formed -- a middle school teacher called Victoria. All ages suffer from this deathly disease, but ages 1-19 and ages 40-100 suffer from it the most. There is yet to be a cure found.
"Are you ok?"
"No I have the emo sickness"
"Ohh that explains it"
by tea._ April 7, 2022
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A term coined by the youtuber CrankThatFrank
Its pretty self-explanatory
Brendon Urie is such an emo fuckboy
by MCRXhasDestroyedMySoul July 30, 2016
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usually a bulletin on myspace by an emo friend constantly encouraging everyone to join their emo club. Hence emo "spam."
emo spam:


Body: WE HAVE COOKIES LOLOLOLOL (terribly overused joke) WE SHALL BATHE IN DA BLOOD AND ASHES (omg -.- delete this friend ASAP)
by anti-em0 July 11, 2008
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A majestic creature that nobody has ever seen. Not even the all powerful google can obtain even one accurate picture on these beings.
John: I was watching the discovery channel when they showed an emo nigga.

Bob: Stop lying.
by Mister Ilya January 8, 2009
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1. An immature, annoying, emo, childish, joke of a person

2. The Spoony One's name for Squall in the Final Fantasy VIII review.
1. Is that Emo Git near me again? Damn it.

2. Spoony is right, Squall is an Emo Git.
by The Comedian 1986 November 18, 2009
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Soft emo means you're happy and bright but you like emo things
im soft emo
by hippiy January 27, 2018
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Generaly a person who dresses in all dark clothing and whines about everything.

These people whine how their parents hate them, and are just there to torment them, when their parents actually spoil them rotten.
Timmy: Oh look! It's Dave! But, why is he sitting in that corner in all black with a stupid hair cut whining about how his parents hate him?

Richard: Oh, it does seem he has gone emo for no reason. It seems we have lost another friend.
by The_Cake_Is_A_Lie July 19, 2008
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