To be tired but insistent on staying awake. Fighting the (Z)zz's in Zombie.
Riley: You fighting the zombies?
Todd: Yeah man, I'm tired but I'll be straight.
by Ndala January 28, 2016
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Fighting like you've never been knocked down or lost isn't the same as never having been knocked down, lost, or fallen to the ground. Somebody somewhere knows who you are, and who you were, no matter who you tell people you are.
Fight like you never lost long enough, and though people aren't going to underestimate you, they are going to research you more than they would if you had been straightforward, direct, or honest.
by Solid Mantis March 14, 2021
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When someone is hitting the puck in air hockey so hard you don't get a chance to hit it back. Very annoying.
I was trying to play air hockey with tom, but he just wanted to fight the table instead, whatta jerk
by hms321 November 27, 2008
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People who like to pick fights and usually suck at it!
Oh run, theres Brendan. He is such a fight cat!
by SmartS April 13, 2012
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This is where people are attracted to fat people fighting over certain food; It can be enjoyed whilst having a good old fap or even just sat with your family, this can be enjoyed by all ages!
Mark : “Have you seen the food fighting fetish video with those two blonde bitches, got me so fucking horny!”
Jeremy : “Those ‘two blonde bitches’ were our twin daughters Mark, you arrogant asshole.”
by Ethan and Kadie September 15, 2018
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When two people smash glass bottles for fighting purposes
"Hey man check it out. There's a Mexican Sword Fight going on outside"
by 1gqry236 May 18, 2017
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When three vulva-bearing people stand in a semi-circle with their fingers out and a fourth jumps from person to person to person trying to get each finger in their vagina.
"My vagina is all scratched up from the last kangaroo fight. What a good time!"
by Jonathan the sheep December 29, 2022
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