A queer, or a man who likes men.
GABE: dude my brother called me a dick sucker and hurt my sexuality!

MOM: oh shut the fuck up you bell tosser!
by Bill Wurtz July 21, 2020
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Among the numerous Bell Buddies that you may have, your Bell Buddy Forever is the one that you know will always be your most steadfast Bell Buddy, who will always make a Taco Bell run with you, so long as they still have breath in their lungs.
I called up my BBF (Bell Buddy Forever) last night, and snarfed up some double-stacks!
by Lunchbox333 February 28, 2020
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A kindergartener sized human who has tendencies to be over competitive. He plays games like La Hucha but never wins. He also has a poor sense of style; he wears plaid shirts every single day.
by julesh23 February 16, 2012
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This shit is so fucking illegal, and when it’s lunch the teacher is like
Keeping kids after the bell be like

“If your quiet we will leave and if you don’t you might miss your bus
by Godissoawesome123 October 16, 2019
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When your scrotum shrivels up, and looks like a dragons bell. The shaft is the neck. Tip is the head.
Dude it's so cold out. Friend "yeah I have a dragons bell."
by Dragons Bell February 16, 2016
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