my name is raper im not actually a rapist. its just a cuddle with a struggle
by coolingtowerwill April 16, 2022
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Not to be confused with a Rapper, rapers are people who rape others for pleasure.
Joe: I like Eminem. He's such a good raper.
John: Joe you absolute imbecile, he's a Rapper, not a raper!
Joe: Did I stutter?
by Jerry Berry the... Merry March 22, 2023
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When a person forgets to put the extra p in rapping which adds a whole different meaning
Kid: omg drape the raper I love your song "my ass", I love you raping my ass
by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple November 10, 2021
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Please, make this a thing.

Tiktok: crepebunny
"Lets celebrate National Kill All Rapers Day by getting knives and killing assaulters!"
by belladahuman May 6, 2021
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Local Vermont slang meaning to have your party buzz stripped violently and uncooly from you.
Stop with the cop talk, what a buzz raper!
by bloomingdreamer March 20, 2011
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When you pinch someone on the underside of their upper arm.
Don't piss me off, or I'll raper pinch you!
by ArchuKinLer household October 18, 2010
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slang for the company Bontrager. They make Bicycle wheels and parts
Dude, i just broke another spoke on my badger raper
by Poof Ace the Chump Raper September 11, 2009
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