A character from the mobile game League of Legends. She was released on October 10th, 2013
And her most recent appearance was in Arcane
Person 1: "Hey, Have you seen Jinx in Arcane? She looks awesome!"

Person 2: "Not yet, maybe I'll check it out later."
by Donnie ^^ December 12, 2021
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Jinx is the kind of person who would kill you. She is also known for her fans as they simp for her. If you dont simp for her get tf out.
“Woah is that Jinx over there?”
“She looks hot!”
Lawd have mercy i wanna be with her”
by Catras._.gf December 27, 2022
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My cute wittle smart beautiful crush I love her with all my heart and one day will marry her so fuck off all of you she's mine
by Their Lover December 3, 2022
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to brag too much of someone so that bad luck occurs
She jinxed me by her exaggerate bragging of my performance
by ArneBo August 6, 2021
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that one really weird lookin cat from all the memes
"scinkly, scrombly, boy"
by Aeraki_ June 27, 2022
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To call something into existence good or bad before the action actually occurred
Originally started as a curse or form of bad luck but nowadays is referred to “saying it was going to happen” before it did
1)Josh: We going to be late !!
Alex: If you we leave right now we’ll be at the party by 9:30
*Shows up exactly at 9:30*
Josh: you jinxed it bro

2) “I hope we don’t get pulled over today because I don’t got a driver license “
*Proceeds to get pulled over that day and gets a ticket*
“I just damn jinxed myself”
by King Fazo June 14, 2022
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