A mixed drink that is comprised of one fifth of cheap vodka, a case of beer and the rest pink lemonade.
Man she drank too much of that Pink Panty Droppers, she was wasted.
by Tommy D 35 October 15, 2008
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A rig man that bitches drop their panties for
Ooohhhh that Mike Claxton is a Roughneck Panty Dropper for sure, you'll need to bring an extra pair unless you don't mind sitting in a puddle.
by _vamp 🖤 March 11, 2018
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Panty Dropper Dope is a description of an action or feeling a female would get immediately after doing a shot of methamphetamine and the methamphetamine is so good that as soon as the needle comes out of the arm the panties drop to the floor and she wants to have sex
My friend called and said he had the panty dropper dope that makes the girls go wild.
by Tre from Tucson September 12, 2017
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A person who randomly airs drop ...gross, nudity filled, or funny ass picutres/video via air drop in public places
That dude from third is the best serial air dropper out of all the serial air droppers I know.
by donovon February 13, 2018
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a phrase used to describe a person/group of people that slack off or refuse to do work
· look at those filthy mop droppers over there.

· you're being a filthy mop dropper right now.
by BioActive May 7, 2021
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A word Moriah Elizabeth made in her Art Room Tour another way to say Pipet pipette dropper
You: hey do you have a Pipet pipette dropper?
Moriah: A what? Oh you mean a drop e dropper
by theaterkidlol December 8, 2020
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Someone that constantly posts what day it is on Facebook. This is usually done in a tiresome or annoyed manner, & often related to the number of remaining days of the workweek.
Jen: I hate Mondays! Friday can't get here soon enough!
John: Jen, you're a real Facebook day dropper.

Suzy: What??? It's only THURSDAY?? Dang.
John: Ugh, again! Stop being a fb day dropper.

Brian: Tuesday done. Three more days until freedom...
John: Yes we get it Brian, you're a real Facebook day dropper.

Mary: It's Wednesday? Hurry up Friday!
John: Shut it Mary! Don't be a Facebook day dropper!
by Johnny Drama Johnson October 27, 2011
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