A machine used to emulate reality or to escape reality all together. It is the saving grace of the post-modern childhoods, and some adult-hoods.
video game console e. g. (xbox, play station, gameboy, nintendo DS, sega dreamcast, virtual boy, r-zone, game com, gamecube, atari 2600, gamebuino, Nintendo Entertainment System, Wii, sega genesis...)
by CFreezerBurnC April 10, 2014
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a gaming pc that is built around the same price as a console with equal or better performance
Norm built a $500 console killer pc that outperforms the ps4 pro
by GTX 1080ti June 8, 2017
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some 12 year old who only plays on console and thinks they're cool and throws the match and wants to liked by everyone and gets no kills and has to cry themselves to sleep every night
guy 1 i'm a good console widowmaker
guy 2 I will teach you how to make a noose
by console widowmaker October 20, 2017
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N. A term used by Insecure or Pretentious PC Gamers to refer to console gamers, with the intent of making them feel better about themselves.
The asshole over there on the computer just called me a console peasant.
by Nuttjob97 November 30, 2017
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The consolation game is the played by the two losers of the semi-finals.
by liverpool November 11, 2013
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A complex position only recommended for veteran parking lot heroes, where the male participant lies stomach up on the centre console, while the female participant ( or other male if that's what your into) proceeds to ride the hog viciously while holding onto the " oh Jesus handles" of the vechile and holds on for dear life
Man did you see Jamal and shenika doing the centre console cowgirl yesterday during lunch?

Man not again, crazy bastard almost died last time
by EWC2K17 June 6, 2017
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