(n.) 1. A domicile that is undersized, uncared for, and in a general state of disrepair unbecoming for human habitation (i.e. a drug den or a cheap slob's apartment). 2. An abandoned or condemned building.
Man 1: "Did you hear Tony's out of the pokey and he's already back on the sauce?"

Man 2: "Yeah the bastard called me, but when I went to walk in and smelled the stench, I wasn't about to hang out at that step above a cardboard box."

Bum 1: "I'm finally off these filthy streets."

Bum 2: (sarcastically) "Listen to Richie Rich over here. 'I'm so special. I'm living in a step above a cardboard box.' Oooh. Well I guess you're better than me now, aren't ya?"
by T.C. "The Chad" November 11, 2007
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the best name you could ever give yourself, and the true meaning of life.

the truth to life
no one can deny this unless you're not Asian. if you're not asian or don't know what chopsticks are, I pity you very deeply. you're missing out.
what the heck?! what are those?

it's chopsticks. chopsticks taste like cardboard

woah bro you're right...

yeah bro i know
by crumbledown October 28, 2019
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When something is the most terrible thing person or idea
“Your Gacha edit is Lemon on cardboard Dave(locd)
“My teacher is Lemon on cardboard Dave (locd)
by The_Real_Fuck_Tart October 17, 2020
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most windows editions i think..but specifically copied discs
"Damn i got solde Windows the cardboard edition"
by anon March 21, 2005
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A RPG or Role-Playing Game about a discord server about a youtuber named Peter Knetter. The game has yet to be developed but is getting closer.
by WaluigiBot October 11, 2020
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The beginning to the disstack to end all disstracks. ImAllexx Insults commentary channel WillNE and then Memeulous, Pyrocynical and Kavos in his perfect video “Commentary Cancer ”
Little fish, big fish, cardboard box, wills got a head like a minecraft block...
by One_True_Lad March 13, 2020
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Alteration of "Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box" routine - coined at Gosport Youth Festival '08 by group of overexcited metalheads high on the band Leviathan...
They totally geeked out and bombed into the "Big Box, Little Box, Cardboard Fish" routine!!
by cardboard*fish*girl July 11, 2008
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