its all started one long summer in new brunswick new jersey @ rutgers EOF summer program can have relation to a room check done by consoulers to make sure the students were in thier rooms...definition of the word if like getting some..being attracted..thats the,damn he/she is fine..booty call..etc
"tap tap"
like damn he/she is fly
i wanna get some
he/she fvcking hot....
by Nicole Jaeger October 13, 2004
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Julien you better tap Sam Moore or where all gonna fuckin kill you cus you have her in the palm of your hands.
by mack like tha eighties September 6, 2004
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It is really irritating when you are sitting next to someone who is constantly going tappety tap tap on his/her iPad.
by Fallingleaf February 27, 2013
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To take a small portion of something being consumed by someone else. Usually used with cigarettes.
by the mf beel December 27, 2005
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A so when you gonna let me tap-a?
by Ladii Spyda September 24, 2007
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When one person takes can of beer which has just been opened and another person slams the top with a full can and the person puts the hole over his mouth and the beer is forced into his mouth because of the massive amount of pressure from the fizz.
He tapped my beer and 3/4 of it was shot down my throat.
by llello October 2, 2003
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