Tanner is a dork who has no friends and will be alone forever. He looks like a chicken and he likes to play with legos and watch Netflix and be lonely and lame
by Unicorns5623 January 3, 2018
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A tanned is a smart, loving, funny , nice to take to hot guy. Tanner is a boy you want as a boyfriend because he will treat you right
Kaylie: You know how I went on a date yesterday
Julianna: Ya
Kaylie: Well I had a Tanner date
by VaniaisAwesomeXxAlpha_PonyxX February 19, 2016
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Tannerism is a religion based on a set of core principles: the mini-dab, poorly formed puns, expert puns, and the Most Holy student teacher in existence. His state of holiness was discovered when one of his students realized a correlation between him and Jesus Christ: they both were present in the Beginning, both came back to teach us important concepts, and both shall come back some day. In Tannerism, there is a holy trinity that consists of A Man Named Zucc, Tanner, and the Amazon Box Man. Since it was formed recently (March 14, 2019), there is not much information currently in the public domain.

(Separate from the Anti-Mormon institution. One of the newly created rules of Tannerism states that all should respect Mormons, and never eat them or their books.)
Oh, yeah, he's recently Converted to Tannerism; that's why he told you the mini-dab is back in style.
by AYCRGB March 15, 2019
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To do nothing constructive.
To do a completely half-assed job, usually before a deadline that needs to be met.
Sean: "It took me all night to do the fucking English essay man."

Tanner: "Yeah it took me like 20 minutes. It was cake."

Sean: "You mean it was Tannerized."

Tanner: "Fuck you man."
by Hardparty May 22, 2009
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Very intelligent, smart, cute and full of positive thoughts! Sometimes stubborn but always keeps a smile on your face
Anyone who gets to know a tanner will fall in love with his image and personality.
by Mac.... February 21, 2015
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he's the shit. he's the best friend that everyone should have. you can trust him with absolutely anything. he knows even the darkest secrets you have. he jokes about them in front of everyone but never lets anyone know that they are about you. he's very good at keeping secrets and promises. he's the person you call when you have a problem, when your bored, when you want to party, or when you need that person who will listen. he'll listen for hours even if you call at 3 in the morning. if you ever got hurt, he'd be the one to call and would drive 200mph if he could to get to wear you are. he's amazing.
everyone needs a tanner in order be whole.
by bestfriend1212 December 8, 2011
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Tannerism is a religion based on a set of core principles: the mini-dab, poorly formed puns, expert puns, and the Most Holy student teacher in existence. His state of holiness was discovered when one of his students realized a correlation between him and Jesus Christ: they both were present in the Beginning, both came back to teach us important concepts, and both shall come back some day. In Tannerism, there is a holy trinity that consists of A Man Named Zucc, Tanner, and the Amazon Box Man. Since it was formed recently (March 14, 2019), there is not much information currently in the public domain.

(Note: not to be confused by the Anti-Mormon institution; one of the newly placed rules of Tannerism dictates that true followers must exhibit respect towards Mormons, and never eat them or their books.)
Oh, yeah, he recently converted to Tannerism- that's why he told you the mini-dab is back in style.
by AYCRGB March 15, 2019
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