People named Salem are stubborn whores but they are always there for their friends. Even when their friends beg them to stop being there they refuse to leave because of their self-proclaimed sexy-stubbornness. (Jensen Ackles moment). They are usually addicted to one show and have one friend who is incessantly worried for their state of mind. They are obsessed with helping assholes who don’t deserve it. They hate themselves but their handful of buddies love them more than anything.
Who is that Dean Winchester clone who keeps trying to jump off a bridge and maintain sexy-stubbornness?

Oh, that whore? We love them. That’s Salem.
by dean winchester loves cock November 22, 2021
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a boy who makes a girl feel like she could be herself. one who dreams of Italy and sells balloons alongside his lover at their bakery. the boy who applies to the school she loves so their meeting could be a distant dream. the boy who doesn't even realize that she wants him as much as he wants her.
You need a boy like Salem
by josie809238 January 10, 2022
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A David Beckham ultimate fanboy that evolved into a Real supporter but now hates on all fanboys because he's also a hater
DB23 Fanboy: It's so much easier supporting Real now that the Gaynoldo fans left

Me: what the hell?! Stop being such a Salem! Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
by DB23-7 January 18, 2019
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Salem is a wonderful person who will be by your side no matter what happens. She will stay by your side no matter what happens. If she has to tell you something she will say it right to your face. She is not afraid of anything. If she has a problem she will let you know. She is a very fun, loud, nice, straight up person/friend.
by Anonymuscat October 31, 2022
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Someone that means and defines everyone meaning of perfect shown as a person, They are legit the best person on earth and no one can be better than them. They are the type of person that can cheer you up anytime of day and make your day 10x better, always happy to call with you and keep you company, and just wants you to be happy.
They're one of the best types of people
I fucking love Salem
by xulk July 25, 2021
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A hot emo bae thats probably way smarter than you and can somehow always tell how youre feeling and thinking its actually creepy as hell, they're very kind, loving and crazy in a good way, but also kinda misunderstood and underrated (which is a crime tf) they're a very peaceful friend with a lot of wisdom and patience and will love you deeply :)) oh yea also hella fruity
Salem is fucking cool.
by zoeedoten July 17, 2021
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