Punish Men Severly!!!!!!!!!
Man: OH NO!! PMS!! RUN AWAY!!!!
*jumps behind a bush*
by NightWolfe121 January 24, 2008
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Another common misconception. PMS does NOT exist. There have like. Actually been studies.

A woman's hormones are not going crazy when she's on her period.
Girl: You're an idiot!
Boy: Lolz r u PMSin?
Girl: ...You're an idiot!
by More Awesome Than Thou December 2, 2005
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A 3-letter excuse for a woman to act like a total bitch, even if they've passed menopause.
Dan: Why are you being such a bitch?

Ash: It's my time of the month!

Dan: But you're a guy.

Another victim of PMS.
by whaaaaaaaaaat October 30, 2009
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PMS = Pack Mule Syndrome

Pack Mule Syndrome is a condition that comes from shopping with your wife or girl friend and you get to carry all the crap they buy!
by Rick WWING January 23, 2008
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