A complete god in every possible and impossible aspect. Also an alcoholic boss.
by Gogotet July 15, 2020
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A boy usually from slavic countries who tends to be an alpha male in any situation he is in.
He is usually a very hot person that but can sometimes be even hotter , so beware of Georgi he can steal your girl anytime he wants.
- Ooo that guy Georgi is very hot I should leave Tom for him.
by Gordon Ramsey is a bitch May 11, 2020
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A sexy boy who is athletic shags a lot plays on PS4 and obviously pulls any girl he wants
OMG that Georgi is so my type
by Pussy_Destroyer 123 March 15, 2020
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a Georgi is an off spring of an angel but. she thinks about st andrews a lot
omg is that Georgi Murphy?
by _69Drama February 24, 2022
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You: Georgi ti si bahti pederasa

Georgi: Znam be brat nedei da mi go natqkvash
by kok4o December 20, 2021
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Very handsome giga chad that is also a fan of peak fiction (DBZ)He has a 9 inch penis, all the females fall in love with him and everyone wants to be his friend
Wow this guy is super strong and has a hot girl with him his name must be Georgi
by DefinitelyNotAGeorgi November 20, 2021
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Georgi is the nicest person you will ever meet! He is shy at first but once you get to know him you find out he’s worth having in your life! He’s passionate, hardworking and was born to be an athlete, literally name any sport he’s good at it! He’s very sensitive at times even though he seems tough considering his muscular body of a model! Has a good connection with his family and would do anything for his friends and the people he loves. Any guy dreams to be a Georgi!
Person 1:Did you see how insanely good Georgi was today?

Person 2: Yes, it’s my dream to be as good as Georgi!
by Nikolpavlova November 20, 2021
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