A good looking pair of tits.

Opposite of "Douglas's"
Person 1: " How come your'e not dating Melissa anymore?"
Person 2: "She has some pretty f*cked up teeth"
Person 1: "yeah but did you see those Garys?"
by Chateau Bob September 5, 2010
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slang for a exstacy pill also or 'gurner'
"awww m8 gary made an appearence at the weekend"
by elln December 29, 2007
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just another word for marijuana. it comes in handy cause its not very widely known as a slang term so its easy to keep on the down low
hey lets go talk to gary. or lets go to gary's house. gary wants us to go climb some trees. lets go hike up mount gary.
by spoonie spoonicus April 17, 2006
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A sex move in which a woman achieves orgasm via her nipples being slapped with a penis.
He tried The Gary this afternoon and it fucking worked!
by Plurker May 19, 2019
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Cockney rhyming slang - as in #4 above for arse. Gary Glitter = shitter.
See Book of Dave; Will Self: woman violently forced into prostitution - "fucked up the cunt and up the Gary......."
by Rikvanbike December 12, 2007
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Another term for a "butthole". First refrenced in South Park as the name of Oprah's rectum.
Dude, WTF is smells like a "Gary" in here.

Your pissing me off, I'm gonna kick you right in "The Gary"

The other day I was too busy porking my wife's "Gary" that I forgot to pay my rent.
by TheGaryMan January 1, 2013
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to coil or arrange wiring, cabling, or similar materials in a meticulous or overly neat fashion.
The network cables were a mess, so I took the time to GARY them into a neater arrangement.

After I was done with the extension cord, I GARRIED it neatly before putting it away
by Bradoley May 8, 2007
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