A place where everyone must unless your african
School is where your learn to hate everyone you know except your friend

You learn pointless shit and then when yu leave you get a job whick involves nothing the school taught you

Mum dont make go back to hell
Or what the government call school
by I want to diiiiiiiiiiieeee September 2, 2017
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A complete and utter waste of precious childhood.
You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a federal prison. There, you go from class to class, repeating the same thing over and over every day. You get obsolete, inconsequential bullshit shoved down your throat by people who are only there for the money and time off. Then, you get tested on this bullshit, and if you fail because you don't understand, then that's too bad, which totally defeats the purpose of learning anyways. Meanwhile, you are forced to interact with mindless clone bot teenagers who only care about drugs, sex, and the mall. And if that's not enough, they send you away with more bullshit, also known as homework, to do during your only free time at home when you could be pursuing your own interests that might at some point be relevant to the life you want to lead instead of the one the fucking government chooses for you. In the future, you will never need to know quadratic formulas and geometry unless you plan on becoming a mathematician. To sum it all up, school is a big competition to weed out the "smartest" people who the government hopes will one day take reign over their cesspool of fucking moronic imbeciles which is leading our country to hell. Our only hope is that one day someone who can see through this will break free from this penitentiary and make some much needed reforms.
by :O SCHOOL BAD August 25, 2022
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a shithole noone wants to go to and fuck this place it is very boring and it is a fucking terrible place
when i went to school i threw up all over the teacher
by ihateschoolilikememes May 6, 2019
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shitton of misleading, spam, and downright usless work, fuckton of idiotic karen teachers who scream without command, home to teachers pets, fucking bullies and rich kids who flex thier fucking gold plated mac pro, homeschooling however is way better in every aspect, waste of money, like bieng paid to see the one and only shitton buncha karens, teachers who care for students are cool
hey imma fuck school up using this baked bean virus, hehe boi
by m0hdf1 May 12, 2022
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