Getting an erection while jumping on a trampoline.
"Dude look at that hot girl."
"Ha, you're going to to start jimmy-jumping!"
by HeyItsThatSexyGuy July 9, 2012
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Someone who jumps somebody else's rope
"Yo Gordon is a jump-rope bitch."
by TheUncutPimp November 19, 2022
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when you jump and crap at the same time.
Guy 1:Oh my god, you see that guy over there??
Guy 2: yeah... why?
Guy 2: damn!
by ConnorDotEXE December 1, 2016
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using the attached rope of a flag pole to hang on while swinging yourself over an edge and back
tiffany and i went flagpole jumping for lack of anything else to do
by m'liegh April 11, 2008
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He’s such a dirty dog he loves it down every hole
Yesterday, I learned how to do a Dirty Harry Jump.
by DrJumpJets April 21, 2022
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the act of suddenly belly flopping on your partner while both naked, and shouting “raccoon jump!” while mid-air.
Yes, doctor, my penis is crooked because my girlfriend enjoys raccoon jumping on me while I have an erection.
by MadiJane December 20, 2021
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