When you eat WAY too much mac&cheese in front of an Apple computer
Last night I had too much mac. I can't remember much.
by MlgDoge 160000 December 17, 2016
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When your friend that has a name of Kraft starts to give you (or anybody else) an attitude.
Kyle- *gives teacher an attitude*
Teacher- "Stop being a talk back mac wont you?"
by BlueHandedMage September 7, 2019
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Philadelphia area colloquialism for ATM, ass to mouth (fellatio performed immediately after anal sex)
That dirty slut was crazy, she's into Mac machines!
by Harm211 March 22, 2018
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To Bernie Mac someone: to catch a person so completely unawares as to absolutely decimate them.

Does not necessarily need to be a physical assault, but a vicious triple pimp slap combo is the archetypical essence of the move.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you....I'm out." - 'Julio' from Half-Baked

The Bernie Mac.
by stochastic mime March 21, 2013
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Informing someone to relax or chill
Dave: Let’s go to the party

John: Yo just mac. Let’s finish Diners, Drive-in’s, and dives and smoke this blount
Dave: iiight, sounds good
by Sirpatswindles November 19, 2018
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