6 definitions by MlgDoge 160000


give credence to gossip
by MlgDoge 160000 February 15, 2017
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unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true
he was not incredulous
by MlgDoge 160000 February 15, 2017
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Hooba Dooba

When a extremely awesome thing happens during Pokémon Sun when you catch a cosmog.
1. I'm just playing Pokémon Sun- HOOBA DOOBA!!!!
by MlgDoge 160000 December 17, 2016
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facilitate growth
by MlgDoge 160000 February 15, 2017
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words that are written on or cut into a surface
the curse words were a inscription into Trump Tower
by MlgDoge 160000 February 15, 2017
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too much mac

When you eat WAY too much mac&cheese in front of an Apple computer
Last night I had too much mac. I can't remember much.
by MlgDoge 160000 December 17, 2016
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