when an individuals buttocks are exposed to the open world. aka when someones booty crack is out you call that california breeze
kyra feeling that California breeze💀”
“there’s that california breeze😹🙏”
by lollywolly April 10, 2023
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Brain dead. On life support for organ donations.
He’s not officially dead, he’s California dead. They’re pulling the plug after they harvest his organs.
by Maria Hudson October 15, 2022
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When you wake up from a long night and feel a pain in your bum.
“I woke up early in the morning with a pain in my rear and Jamal in my bed. A hell of a California Sunrise!”
by MdstandsforMYDICK June 29, 2023
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The action of a man being penetrated from behind with a strap on or live dick and being beat off at the same time. A double California stingray is that in which a man is being penetrated from behind beat off and having oral sex all at once.
by friskyflicker July 24, 2018
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When taking a shit, one straddles the toilet facing the wall causing a shit stain down the front side of the toilet.
Dude, I just took a dump and did a California landslide. Skid marks for days!
by Little Willie 69 July 16, 2019
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Addicts are sent to California to get sober, but are bought and sold for their insurance policy’s . The endless cycle of being from sober living to treatment centers. The ending is usually death
It’s not only the California shuffle its the Arizona shuffle the Florida shuffle etc.
by Kingheroin May 7, 2019
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The act of randomly jumping on your sexual partner with enough inertia to cause the entire room to shake like an earthquake in California
Alright baby, get ready for the California Slamdown I’m bout ta cause a earthquake up in this bitch
by Retarded_stove May 16, 2019
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