When a girl feels like she's being stalked by guys and is really starting to get tired or scared of it.
Jane decided to lock herself in her room without her phone because she was so creepered out by that weirdo Josh.
by sheik231 August 12, 2009
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A person who succeeds at everything they do.
Me: I love Paul Allen! That guy right there is a real knock-it-out-of-the-park-er!
You: Yeah, I hate him.
by MalumLibrum958 January 10, 2023
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The set of delaying tactics, mystified looking around moves and "where the hell's my wallet" self-frisking someone makes when they want you to pickup the check.
He's in a startup now and won't pay for anything, all he'll do is pull a Shell-out Falter on you.
by Ross Brunson June 8, 2011
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when at a restaurant with a group of friends, you have to pay the entire bill for everyone that's part of your party
it`s hard work to pull the hippo out of the mud, especially when you are on a shoe-string budget
by Sexydimma April 29, 2015
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when at a restaurant with a group of friends, you have to pay the entire bill for everyone that's part of your party
it`s hard work to pull the hippo out of the mud, when no one wants to pay their share
by Sexydimma January 21, 2015
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a) when you have pay the bill for a large group of friends at a restaurant or other drinking establishment

b) trying to solve a seemingly impossible- to- solve situation
It's almost impossible to pull the hippo out of the mud definition a), on a shoe string budget
by Sexydimma July 28, 2016
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Take care of something with minimal effort barely reaching criteria.
Andrew was supposed to care care of my plants during my absence! Through the whole week, he just came once and watered them with some water. He basically did bruno out them!
by ptcmazur October 19, 2021
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