it is what a popular youtube video, know as " seal saying egg ( captioned ) " has in it
by yeetith and yeet September 21, 2020
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A good looking male. A survivor with with great charisma. Forgives his enemies.
Murphy is a great athlete but understands it's not all about himself.
by Southern Ireland October 6, 2020
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A person with the last name Murphy. Typically a selfish person. Great athlete and good friend.
Murph is my best friend.
by Southern Ireland June 28, 2020
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It is used as a slang for "I love you", but only between Zak and Kodie.
by Zak+Kodie November 4, 2019
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to hold in a fart with such anal tightness that the pressure is released by a dispersement of gas from the oral cavity
"Whats that noise? Jessie did you just murph?"
by Steve*O January 3, 2008
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An intoxicating drug that resembles salt and pepper. It is made from the leaves of the Phrum Tree.

It can be consumed in a vast variety of ways left to the imagination.
I had way to much murph last night
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When you murder all the members of a gun range for the soul purpose of free lodging and range time.
by J0hnny_h0pkins July 1, 2017
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