A line said by Arthur Fleck / Joker in the 2019 hit movie Joker. Arthur said this line right before he shot the TV host Murray Franklin in the head for mocking him previously.
Joker: How about another joke Murray?

Murray: No, I think we've had enough of your jokes.

Joker: What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loader with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?!

Murray: Call the police!

Joker: I'll tell you get you get, YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE! *pow*
by NUBBYNUB December 15, 2019
A term exclusive to pre-teens and individuals below the age of thirteen, exceptions are made for lowlifes and socially incompetent adolescents when faced with a challenge, (typically a relative, since individuals whom use this term haven't moved out of their parent's house) standing between the individual and their gaming.
This game is exclusive to minecraft naturally, however these gamers still remain dominant over the peasants whom still play fortnite
Get a life.

Karen is never coming back.
Kyle: "Get the fuck out of my room, mom! I'm playing minecraft!"
Karen: "But Kyle, your dad is on the phone."
Kyle: "What the fuck does he want?"

Ominous figure behind Karen: "The kids."
by Eddie Toast September 16, 2019
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The fixed version of what you would type if you want to see urban dictionary have a crisis. It used to be “get the fucking mug or die, why dont you just get a fucking mug” (search that up in urban dictionary), but then there would be an extra mug at the end of a sentence. I am taking this too seriously, so let me just excuse myself and die.
Person 1: hey let me search “fucking mug or die, why dont you just get a fucking” up so I can get a kick out of urban dictionary having a crisis.
*after searching this up urban dictionary comes through the screen with a mug and a gun
Person 1: shit *dies*
by hackerman/cool dude February 19, 2022
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The day where Savannah fucks her girlfriend until said girlfriend forgets her own name.
“What day is it?”
“It’s National get absolutely fucking railed by your girlfriend savannah day“
Good to know
by Gracie... April 20, 2021
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A term that is used when someone does not actually know what they are doing, or when someone does not care about what the other person has to say.
Matt: Hey man what's up! We haven't talked in forever!

by Mr. Shlibsta May 15, 2010
Get the Just Trying To Get A Mother Fucking Scholarship mug.
Person 1: get a fucking mug or die, why dont you just get a fucking mug for you uncle barry
Person 2: lemme commit sudoku real quick
by 123CountWithMe September 24, 2021
Get the fucking mug or die, why dont you just get a fucking mug mug.