The act of “bezzin the gaff
Mike-Yoooo Wys

Man- Bezzin gaff an that
by Pimpnailslol February 4, 2022
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When your internet isn't up to the best of its abaility
Dom has 'Giff Gaff" internet and he should delete his pro clubs player
by Moz1813 November 24, 2020
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To knock one out on to a piece of cloth - in most cases a hankerchief - roll it up and hide it under the bed covers.
Guy: hey, why you late today? Been waiting for ages...

Friend: Sorry man, had to blow the gaff first.

Guy: Did you wash your hands?
by Crazy Meka September 16, 2009
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When a girl is on her period
Did you hear about Abi, she’s Up The Gaff
by Donald_Duk April 13, 2020
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As of 2023, “gaffes” is the word the mainstream news media now use to describe the incoherent, nonsensical ramblings of an octogenarian white male with late-stage dementia with an IQ that was well below average prior to the onset of dementia.
For example, one of Joe Biden’s many “gaffes” include his statement: “We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. We have plans to build it in…in Angola…We have plans to build one of the largest solar plants in the world. I could go on, but I’m not. I’m going off script, and I’m going to get in trouble.”
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To get absolutely wasted at jack scannels gaff
Here I went to jacks gaff and I was wasted
by Gyro man June 17, 2022
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To get absolutely smashed at jacks scanners gaff
Here I just went to jacks gaff and got wasted
by Gyro man June 17, 2022
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