Dress up and party down. Where style meets comfort. From the waste up, dressing in fine oxfords, polos and cardigans. Below the waste, sweats and flip flops. Underwear not required.
Steve dresses so weird.

Nah man, he rocks the fusion suit.
by Adirondapper October 13, 2013
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A sub genre of screamo which embodies elements of emo, screamo, hiphop, and other genres as well as concepts. Known for its clean and unclean vocals at times differentiates itself from other genres by its diverse lyrical content and blend of genres. Popularized by the artist Eroxas.
Guy 1:Hey I heard something on the radio the other day and it completely fucked me up fam..
Guy 2: Oh yeah what was that?
Guy 1: Dat der Screamo Fusion
Guy 2: wut?
*Plays recording*
*Both simultaneously curl up in fetal position from confusion*
by nobodysknocking March 9, 2016
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The metamorphosis-like transformation a gluttonous woman undergoes, in which her FUPA expands to fuse with her gut, resulting in the dreaded gunt. (See also: guntification, guntress)
Bro 1: Damn check her out, you can barely tell where her gut ends and her FUPA begins.

Bro 2: Yeah bro, she’s clearly undergoing FUPA fusion and transitioning into a guntress.

Bro 1: Yikes.
by Powerqueef September 26, 2022
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When you and your bezzie are so close that you feel the need to fuse your power to reconfirm your dank partnership
Me and my best friend did the fusion power and now we we are mega best friends
by Dankmemer64 January 4, 2017
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To be covered in cum or a cum-like substance.

Coined by Maison Margiela.
“hey man, sick shoes! Did you fusion coat them yourself?”

“I just fusion coated my girlfriend’s tits
by mightyhelpfulmitreten January 8, 2021
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A family relation in which there are two relationships at the same time - examples would be if a man has a child with two sisters, those kids would be siblings and cousins at the same time. If a man has a child with a mother and her daughter (from another man) those two kids would be siblings and aunt-uncle/niece-nephew at the same time.
What do you mean Timmy is your fusion relative? He's your brother and your uncle at the same time? Dude take that to Jerry Springer.
by IcyHot August 17, 2015
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DHS FBI Fusion Centers organize and coordinate the targeted individual program with FISA, watchlist, DSM 5 fraud and CIA runs electronic harassment and FBI runs gangstalking and uses their partnerships as partners in crime and flying monkeys to smear campaign, gaslight, harass, and kill the non investigative subject with plausible deniability. Fusion Centers outsource most of the harassment to local community groups such as Infragard and Citizens Corps.
Fusion Centers are trash and make up terrorist because there aren't any and covertly harass you until you react and set traps and do theater.
by TI Satan June 27, 2023
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