Refers to a situation in which your wife or girlfriend screwed you over/caused harm to you, but you don't want to lose face by admitting that she screwed you over, so you cover it up and make her out to be the hero/helpful. (May or may not be because she had good reason.
Dude 1: Wait, so bonnie didn't help you clean up your parents place after? That's what you told your folks.

Dude 2: Bonnie? Hell no - she messed it up. I just gave my folks the "Elin acted courageously" spiel, so I wouldn't have to hear about what a loser of a girl she is.
by blabbidy January 10, 2010
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An animated series broad casted on and off on Cartoon Network. It is about a dog named Courage who is constantly getting involved in trouble and must save his owner and her husband.
In one episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog, Courage's town gets flooded by a beaver who loves music but must work in construction. Courage finds the beaver and gets him to stop building the dam. The town returns to normal and Courage & Beaver perform a duet in a Jazz Diner.
by Twiligh† June 22, 2007
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when a man has vaginal sex with a woman who is being visited by her monthly freind aka on the rag and after intercorse the man pulls out his bloody penis and whips the woman with it leaving a red mark this may be a very brave thing to do if she dosent have a sense of humor.
last night I nailed my girl but she was ragging and I didnt know at first but when i was finnished I pulled out blood drenched cock and gave her a red badge of courage
by January 24, 2008
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Courage The Cowardly Dog is a cartoon that ran on Cartoon Network from 1999 to 2002. Courage (The Cowardly Dog) would save his owners (Muriel and Eustace) from the dangers that would lurk around every corner in the Middle of Nowhere. ( Yes! The Middle of Nowhere)
' Did you watch the new Courage The Cowardly Dog Episode?'
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A creepy ass show that came on when I was a child and scarred me for life.
I still can't watch the episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog with King Ramses without being reduced to tears like a crybaby.
by KatieNotKathy October 31, 2009
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To take pride in the fact that you are hated, persecuted, or criticized by someone you have no respect for. The person you have no respect for considers you a dick, but you proudly tout the moniker as a sign that you are, in fact, capable and reasonable. Such pride can be manifested by the moniker's recipient by a laminated badge on one's chest in the form of red male genitalia. Refers to Stephen Crane's civil war novel "Red Badge of Courage."
A: My boss is a total fuck-up-- I had to single-handedly save the project; yet he thinks I'M a dick. He gave me a horrible work evaluation. But I don't care, it's my Red Dick of Courage.

B: Ah, so that explains the penis on your lapel.
by Pete Schweddy March 28, 2011
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A sense of security felt by employees of large corporations whereby workers can voice their opinions on sensitive or risky topics over a conference call instead of speaking up in a meeting and being recognized. This also applies when the employee is just too embarrassed to be seen when asking a question even though his identity is known.
Andy: So do you have the balls to challenge the CEO during his all-employee meeting on his new sexual harassment policy?

Eric: Hell no, but I have dial-up courage so I'll just call in from my desk and ask.

Andy: You are a pussy.
by ag1979 February 27, 2010
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