Someone to text to during commercial breaks, while you're pooping, when you're waiting on a friend to arrive or even when you're at the doctors office.
Hey man, I'm waiting on Stranger Things to come back, I need a five minute buff.
by That_guy69 July 16, 2019
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The person you want around when you are not getting along with your spouse. They are a good buffer, when the two of you are not talking. This is helpful when you are not able to talk with your spouse at the time. The buff gives you a break and may be able to smooth things over.
by One Who Needs Buff November 15, 2013
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Having a filled out physique with more emphasis placed on muscle mass than definition; swoll.
Jim got buff so the pool would hire him as a lifeguard. Now Jim gets paid $8.50 for sitting under an umbrella.
by scuba steve January 9, 2005
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When someone is goodlooking/appealing to the eye, but also has sex appeal and a certain sensual quality.
That boy we saw in the park today was buff!
by Jenny March 23, 2004
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Buff(n.)-Buff is the noun used only for female excrement. Buff means female excrement,female shit.or if any girl is shittin then we can use it as,"Ol,look at that girl she's buffing"!
Buff(v.)-Buff means to shit.(only for female)
"Oh,I couldn't see that the bitch was buffin' hurr"!
by Ra Skull April 28, 2011
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