He has usually very big balls but a fucking small penis. Also a ginger nigger
Look that dude is a zacke
by Afiestypotater66 March 26, 2018
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fucking amazing lover who enjoys big tits and big asses. has brown almost black eyes brown hair and bitches all around him at all times. very tall. tan. hates gingers. best known as "dat nigga" or "the most interesing man in the world" beats people up in cod and madden. has many friends and is very humerous. has sex every 5 1/2 hrs. has 13 in dick. very cool guy
joe- wheres john?
billy- o. he is zacking it up.
by 1234098765 December 9, 2012
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a person who is incredibly hot and ADORABLE. Has good taste in music and is incredibly athletic.

But watch out for these zacks because they will break your heart in a split second. beware.
girl1: Man, my boyfriend dumped me. it was so harsh.

girl2: on a scale of 1 to zack, how harsh was it?
by c2u5t5i3e November 23, 2011
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zack is a guy who can make any girl fall for him within a single look. He has the height, the body, the hair, the eyes, and the ass of an amazing hockey player... dont be fooled, hockey players can move their hips. Besides all the postives, here comes the ugly truth... he will say anything to get you in bed, and as much as you'd want too.. dont! he'll screw you over, and never talk to you again
last night i met a zack and it was amazing, but now i wish id never met him!
by beenthere,dontthat December 31, 2011
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a man whore. hes a mad artist who plays girls like a playlist. listens to one then moves to the next. he is the most dis honest person you will ever meet. and is full of himelf. dont trust him.
hey you know that guy zack?
he told this girl he wanted to bangg her when he was with some other chick. and then when the chick asked if he was fucking some other slut he denied it all. pretty pathetic.
by one badass chick. March 22, 2009
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a morbid pit of insanity. Zack is also an enormous fan of beastiality...especially with turkeys....
Who's that over there?
That's my cousin, Zack.
Zack ruined thanksgiving with his beastiality.
by POB with zack monster January 24, 2009
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Short for "exactly." Used mostly in text or other digital messaging media when you are in a hurry, or want to sound like a hip young person who knows what's up.
(sends friend a meme about how they only need a 398% on their final to pass a class)
Friend: "My microeconomics class!"
Me: "Zack!"

(gets in argument with friend that culminates in saying "We can agree to disagree")
Friend: *shrug emoji, eye roll emoji*
Me: "Zack."
by tatstah June 17, 2018
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