A slimy pussy excretion is an incredibly rare type of female excretion. This can be caused by the partner of a certain female dropping at least a 12 inch fecal blowout into the vaginal hole. This is an extremely difficult task to go about with. Step 2 is for the male to cut his anal hair(an possibly pubic hair) and dipping it into a jar of peanut butter. After this, you will need to remove the steamy shit out of the vagina, take the peanut butter covered pubes, and stick it into a blender. After blending, you insert it into the female's vagina. After this, you rub the women's clit so hard she cums, and the excretion is very slimy. This is where the term comes from.
Yesterday night, I drank my girlfriend's slimy pussy excretion. It was quite a treat.
by skudger March 29, 2014
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A slimy ass bottom feeding sack chasing hoe is almost exactly what it sounds like with a few more bad habits, mostly female in gender they will look into your families eyes and lie about anything and then tell you something completely different. They usually have very bad hygiene and will suck a giant bag of genitals for any amount of meth and definitely steals from her family and wouldn't hesitate to steal your shit..
Hey bro that's that tweaking dirty slimy ass bottom feeding sack chasing hoe that broke in and jacked your bluray player and then tried to sell it back to me isn't her name creepy crotch?
by TheGoSpeL February 3, 2014
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The clue's in the name...
Said when someone/thing gets you really, REALLY irate. And any other words can be included, preferably as foul as possible.
Claire - Have you handed in that assignment yet?
Emma - aaaaghghghghh big, hairy, smelly, sticky, slimy donkey bollocks!!!
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One day, with a spilitting headache and a 9am lecture, this wonderful phrase came to life.
yelling it just feels so right...
Meaning: its fairly obvious one would have thought
thinking back on a disastrous night out with wayyyyyy too much lambrini (you can tell we're students)you hear the early morning yell "Big, hairy, smelly, sticky, slimy, wrinkled, moist DONKEY BOLLOCKS!"
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Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT? Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? SIR I SAID IT SIR! Well ... no shit. What have we got here, a fucking comedian? Private Joker? I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!
by JSSRocket July 26, 2020
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GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
person 1 GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
person 2 GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
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sewer slimy slide: when you want to kermit suicide but u end up going down a sewer slimy slide 😌🙈🙊💩
Patty made me wanna go down the sewer slimy slide cause she ate my cake ;)
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