The hottest girls you’ll EVER see. Redheads are fiesty, gorgeous and sexy but get a lot of hate bc of jealousy.

Redheads are also better in bed and have a higher libido than any other hair colour.
Guy 1: “You see that really hot girl over there?”
Guy 2: “Yeah, the redhead?”
Guy 1: “Yeah man, who else?”
by dannyyy🇦🇺🦘 April 20, 2023
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A redhead is someone who‘s really ugly and not worth living. They often have red hair. When you spot one, you should run, because they can eat your soul.
Look, there are Diana and Ethan. They‘re redheads, we should go.
by mhmchees65 June 17, 2020
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“she’s a redhead. stay away from her!”
by pseudonymx100 February 14, 2022
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Just like pretty privilege it’s just for gingers/redheads only
I have redhead privilege
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an amazing english teacher who looks like kurt from glee but is the best teacher even if hes a moody cow sometimes its fine cause hes just the best ( and is very fartherly )
"omg hes the best teacher ever "
"yeah hes definitely luke redhead"
by eddie allan poe 69 November 30, 2022
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