cutest animal ever! spends time eating bamboo and just looking so darn cute! Panda Hugs are also the best! A panda hug is a giant hug that is all about cuddling and squeezing the life outta the other person~
Person 1~ PANDAHUG
Person 2~ PANDAHUG
(wraps arms around each other--gives biggest hug in the universe)
by pandahugs~13 May 31, 2011
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A majestic animal that is black, white and asian. There are also a such thing as red pands which resemble foxes. Originated in China. They are vegetarians because they eat bamboo. They are known to eat 12 - 16 hours a day. They are adorable creatures. Sadly, they will soon be extinct.
That girl acts so much like a panda!

I love PANDAS!!!!!!! <3
by pandalover<3 May 11, 2010
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A word to describe someone who is very attractive and eye catching. Not to be confused with the panda bear
"Hey man, look over there"


"Look at that girl, she's hot"

"Oh yeah, she's a massive panda"
by deccyg April 17, 2013
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A Policeman/Policewoman. So called because of their (usually) black uniform, on their (usually) white skin, which may resemble the black and white fur of a panda. See also, Panda Car
Oh shit man, the Pandas are coming! Let's get out of here!
by Rossi October 13, 2005
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night creature with black hearts and ravenous teeth that glow in the dark feasting on bums that sleep in the park. they'll hide under your bed. they'll rip you butt to shreads. The Chinese believe if you find a discarded panda tooth you have the power to summon GODZILLA. Like a shark pandas have huge teeth which are used to grind through bone candy and fences
"Hey look at that panda over there with his nasty teeth"
by Carly2010 August 7, 2006
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