Something noobish Korean players say when they play Liero. It's said even though nobody cares.
Me: We'll start the game in a second.
Korean player: gogogogogogo
Korean player: i r korea
*I kick him/her*
by Mike Woody October 7, 2007
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A country I have mixed feeling about...

1. Weed is illegal, pain in the ass to obtain.
2. Adderall a.k.a. amphetmine (which I have prescription for Attention Deficit Disorder) is illegal
3. I have to attend the mandatory military service if I go back
4. No jobs unless you graduated from an Ivy League, speak english, have connections.

1. Hot korean girls
2. good club scene
3. people get shit faced more than Americans assume
4. college students don't study
5. great for partying if you got the dough
Ex. 1
me - fuck, i need to get a green card if i want to go back to S. Korea

friend - why?

me - military man

friend - fuck that shit.

Ex. 2

white boy - where can i find some hot azn chicks?

me - korea man.

white boy - yeahhh, imma go to korea!

me - no (g00d) weed for you brah

white boy - ...
by KrnSurferDude January 22, 2011
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K-media reported on "Korea's Frontman" Jimin representing Korea as the face of the Korean tourism industry, by contributing to strengthen the local economy with his influence as a world-renowned artist

Jimin is drawing attention by being used to promote tourism in Busan & Seoul.

Front man is someone who represents something to general public who are not familiar with.
It's not a nickname that can be given by one's own company or old fans. It represents the impact of the individual to general public.
I want to visit Busan too. It's Korea's Front man Jimin's hometown.
by Lantern7 June 3, 2021
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To ejaculate without warning as if preempting a more meaningful, but highly unlikely ejaculation in the future, much as the communist-dictating does in handling its diplomacy.

For visual stimulations that might lead to pulling a North Korea, Google "Kim Jong Il lesbian".
I'm gonna pull a North Korea on your ass and fire a warning shot, without protection.

Careful, I'm prone to pulling a North Korea without protection when I get excited.

Pulling a North Korea is a sure-fire way to prevent a visit to Planned Parenthood.

Dood 1: "Dude, how'd your night go last night?"
Dood 2: "I got caught pulling a North Korea without protection."
Dood 1: "What happens when you get caught?"
Dood 2: "America comes in and destroys your ass."
Dood 1: "That could get messy."
by Dr. Oops November 28, 2010
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1. A person who is a native English speaker that have failed in all aspects of life back home and moved to Korea to teach English. Usually quite obnoxious too.

2. A loser.
Remember David? That guy who never graduated high school. He is now an English teacher in Korea.
by CookDane June 3, 2018
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Korea’s IT Girl is Blackpink’s Jennie Kim end of discussion.
Girl 1: ” Who’s that pretty girl over there? “
Girl 2: ” Oh she’s Korea’s IT Girl! ”
by nayeonswh0re June 30, 2022
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A futureless, cancer like entity made up of traitorous human rejects in south Korea that stakes its fate on the division of Korea.
The Liberty Korea Party is a "corrupt party" and "perishing party" in which its members are backbiting each other.
by JucheLastsForever December 10, 2018
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