Awesome trained violin virtuoso chic that became a guitar virtuoso after graduating. She can play faster than most would be MALE guitar heroes, she's a hot dominatrix, and placed number 10 in "fastest shredders of all time" (only girl in the list by the way... girl power!!!)
She can tear you a new asshole with her guitar/violin skills!!
by tormentedartist April 23, 2005
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a slang term for ketamine which is usually in a powdered or liquid form.
damn son that was some fire ass kit kat

yea nigga i stay cookin that shit up
by PhiL dA CooKa August 6, 2009
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A bat that partially resembles a cat. It is normally very cute, although it can get crazy and irrational at times. When happy, batty cats say 'meuw'.
Aww look at that furry little batty kat! You can pet him, but keep your distance in case batty kat goes crazy again!
by MeuwMeuw November 17, 2009
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Someone who is cool, or 'kool'. Also rad, original, wicked, killer, awesome, radtastic and superbly excelent.

Kool kats are often trend setters...and are not to be messed with.
Hey, that Zach sure is one kool kat!!

Wow, Emma, CJ, Mackenzie and Shanny are such kool kats! No one messes with them!

Did you see what that kool kat Kaitlyn was wearing?

Lindy is such a kool kat! She's radtastic!
by Lolly* April 6, 2006
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Sick musician (once head of the new wave rock-reggae group Concrete Wave, currently solo) from Kingston, New York. Born February 11, 1987. Best known for her interesting and eclectic use of the ukulele, Kat also plays guitar, piano, and bass. Hopefully she is going to take over the world.

Check her out at
Did you go to Kat Larios' show last night?

Yeah dude, she's so sick.
by Tupelo12 December 13, 2009
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A nosey busy body at work who likes to check out all the action in the office, his head pops up everytime summik happens.
Hey peeps, look it's Karadia being a Meer Kat again.
by Bhuju April 2, 2008
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Kat Frappacino is a girl who is somewhere between an internet celebrity and a normal teenage girl. She cannot be called a full internet celebrity because she has not reached that status yet so people just say she is internet known or a minor scene queen. Kat Frappacino is known for having many haters on the internet.
Angela says: Do you like my new outfit which I am wearing?

Melissa: Yeah it's pretty cool. You look like that Kat Frappacino girl from the internet.
by wikiscenester January 4, 2008
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