to start most people here are not ginger, beer loving, leprechauns called seamus o'donnell that eat nothing but spuds, maybe 2006 that would be true but not now. what is true is we have the best looking country side in the world e.g the giants causeway, the mournes and so on, we bulit the titanic, we practilly made new york and boston as without us there would be about 5 people there and all those quarter irish who say they can drink so much cus they are irish lets see if you can tell me wheres tyrone in ireland?
p.s ulster is not filled by crown loving british forigners changing the culture.
all in all Ireland is a modern country and not a farmers land full of spuds.

p.s.besides ulster we are not in the u.k!!!
by james the tyrone lad April 7, 2011
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A much nicer term for Saint Patricks Day. A full day of drinking that happens every March 17th. First celebrated in Ireland.
March 17th is Ireland Day, let's all get wasted.
by Smegfacedotdot March 24, 2008
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a place in Europe where not every1 lives in a 100 year old bungalo cottage in the middle of a field not every1 gets drunk all the time not every1 can irishdance we all dont talk like culchies and work on farms we dont live on spuds (potatoes) we dont have leprachans we r not all called paddy and roisin and all irishy names

i love my country dont start wid ya steryotypes
john: im goin to ireland for the summer .
micheal:*puts on fake irish accent,tries to Irish dance* how'ya paddy wats the craic with ya.
Shaun:(from Ireland)*punches micheal in da face* fuck you bitch
by Irish E xx April 20, 2011
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the best mother fuckin accent in the whole world!! the use such words as 'ai' and 'ta'!!! if uve ever head thisaccent u will be in love with it and possibly grab onto the person speaking and neer let them go!! northern ireland accents rock!!
northen irelander- " ai how it goin"
me- "swoon" and then steal!

I love the northern ireland accents
by opresses tears November 26, 2005
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A country where everyone is related to one another in some shape or form, as a result of mass emmigration and boredom (leading to over-enthusiastic reproduction and interbreeding). The mass emmigration also led to the larger percent of America to have some ancestor of Irish decent. Americans have some strange habit/obsession with pointing out this fact.

On the bright side, it is a very friendly nation.
-My great-grandmother was from Ireland!
-Oh, maybe she was related to my great-aunt!
by Gummyworm enthusiast May 1, 2010
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A large mountain of crap that sticks out of the water in the toilet bowl, much like an island in the ocean. This is often the result of drinking Guinness to the point of passing out the prior evening.
I just dropped the biggest Ireland's Eye. That bathroom is going to stink for days!
by billberto March 18, 2005
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