One of the crapiest crap ass crap bands to walk the planet. Psuedo emo, mostly pop-punk driven. They think they're punk, but, I'm sorry to say, they are not. They suck, and Dance Dance is one of the most irritating songs I have ever had to live through.
FOB fan- DUDE Fall Out Boy Rocks! I love them!
Real punk fan- FUCK YOU! YOU SICKEN ME!
by mypinkninja December 22, 2005
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A cool punk rock band made back in 2001, made of 4 members. Pete Wentz, Patrick stump, Andy Hurley, and Joe Trohman. They're still going strong with tons of fans from everywhere, basically. The newest album they have out is , MANIA. yeah n stuff. Honestly just google the band for more info. Oh and never write the name as ''fallout boy'' you'll have millions of cringey fangirls telling you how wrong you are.
Guy 1: Did you hear fall out boy's new album? too much pop! ugh
Guy 2: Who cares? were talking about fall out boy for pete wentz's sake!
by boredbandkid January 30, 2018
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a band that used to be scene and has been around for a long time but because of a little song called "sugar, we're goin down" is totally mainstream.
i knew about fall out boy long before they were on MTV.
by RAAARRR November 28, 2005
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a shity emo band that call them selfs punks and only play octave chords.
by Jared Aston February 3, 2006
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A piece of crap. I could probably make better music with my butt. Clearly, anyone who listens to them does because everyone else is. They cannot preform live mostly because their lead singer cannot sing, which kind of defeats the purpose of even having a band.
I would rather bite the head off a snake than listen to a Fall Out Boy song.
by JMaster November 25, 2005
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a band that get a alot of haters but why would people hate on a band they didnt like ahhh because they have no life hateing is to much work and why would you come on this if you hated them and you jus wanted to slag them off?
hater:i hate fall out boy
hater 2: so do i
hater:i know because we have no life lets go slag them off in the internet!
a really good 3rd party observer prefrebly me: banishes them!!
by I'mEveryCliche January 11, 2007
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Led by a guy with down syndrome who tries to sing and pretty much just mumbles to cover up his emo lyrics. The only people who understand this retard are other retards known as emos, who are all worthless pieces of shit and don't deserve their lives.
Retard 1: Duhh I like Fall Out Boy
Retard 2: Durr me too
Retard 1: Durr cool lets go cut ourselves
by a;slfkjdlasfj December 17, 2006
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