dubstep is a genre of music which promotes deaf people and allows for current day pre-teens experience rape through the ear . It also happens to be the worst shit you can spend your life on.
this nigga makes some good as dubstep, JK it hot garbage
by Hot-Garbage May 21, 2018
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Music that most people thinks is just noise but it's no
Me: This dubstep is so lit I fucking love it
My brother: That shit is trash it's just a bunch of noise

Me: Boi that's all music it and it sounds good
by flipomega5 November 9, 2017
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Dubstep is all the new rage in the electronic music scene. Dubstep "artists" have minimal talent. Songs can easily be created in a matter of hours on a computer vs. actually creating music with instruments. Dubstep is composed of layered synthesizers, bass, and beats made by pressing random buttons. There isn't much dynamic to the music compared to other genres, mostly loops of the same thing over and over. The music pairs well with MDMA, Ecstasy, LSD, or any other mind altering drug you can think of; it tricks the listener/concert ticket buying idiot's mind into thinking the music is really good and fun to dance to.
It sounds like the dubstep DJ is constantly whipped out on nitrous with all the wompage he uses in his songs. WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP. Wow, so much talent went into those WOMPs and low bass. Autograph my glow stick!!
by Tea Kettle January 20, 2011
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The purest form of musical crack cocaine; most effective when ingested intra-subwooferly. Found almost universally at dance parties attended by cool people everyhwere.
I quit dope, once I tried dubstep that shit didn't even get me high anymore. Dubstep on the other hand, that shit is like fucking crack!
by The Undisputed Original P-DuBS November 1, 2010
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1. A genre of music characterized by deep bass and a "wub wub" sound.

2. It sounds somewhat similar to the Terminator having an orgasm.

3. A genre of music that Skrillex ruined.

4. Music that peels deep into the new generation's need for over stimulation.

5. A genre that many people hate because it has no "soul," but when compared to modern pop music it actually makes you dumb 70% slower.

6. The most misunderstood music in the universe.

7. Music that actually has less "wubs" than those in my head when you try to tell me why its dumb.
Actual Dubstep Fan: Hey man do you listen to dubstep?

Idiot: What like Skrillex?

Actual Dubstep Fan: Idiot.
by TheDefiniteForce December 24, 2013
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orgasmic vibrations ejaculating from your headphones/earbuds.
hey were you masturbating?

no mom i was listening to dubstep
by tmnt handshake January 8, 2011
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I do dubstep... don't tell my mom...
by mathew cochino October 4, 2010
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