Summer camp located on Long Island where the water slide is covered in mud and the fucking lunch costs more than $10 dollars, even though it’s the worst food I’ve ever had. There is a cringey theme song for it and a lot of the kids are wearing fortnite and Minecraft shirts. Also most of the kid are in elementary school and don’t know how to play sports. The best thing about the camp is travel camp where you pay a lot extra to send your kid to another fun place. The group for travel is small so you ride the Tard Cart aka the mini bus. Wanna go on your phone? WELL TOO BAD CUZ YOU CANT IN THIS PLACE
Yo I’m going to campus camps

Really? I heard you have to sing some stupid theme song
by FlurpMan August 8, 2018
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To be known or popular at your school.
Everyone knows Chelsea, she's campus famous.
by THE_real_Afrojedi October 27, 2012
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a) A level of intoxication that you find yourself on 1) The wrong campus of your university/college 2) The campus of a totally different university.

b) An equivalent level of intoxication where meaning a) *could* occur given the chance/location
"Dude, I got wrong-campus twatted last night and had to walk back in the rain, it was a pretty crazy night."

"Did you hear about John, he got so drunk he got wrong-campus twatted and ended up crashing a Christian union meeting"
by Kirjavah September 25, 2013
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Arguably the best class you'll ever take as a senior or a junior in high school. You can go home early or even go to school late depending on the campus classes you told your principal to request.
Look at all those senior homies having off campus classes while I'm in my English class. Drats, I wish I was a senior too.
by Aedyn February 23, 2020
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An ode to pinewood middle campus:
Pinewood is a place of a certain teacher on a loop of saying "No thank you sir"
Pinewood is a place of 4 hot rizz gods: AD, JPS, BA
Pinewood is a place of White stuck up rich kids
Pinewood is a place of
by Pinewoodkid November 29, 2022
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This is rape will its happen on the college campus
Did you hear she got College campus rape
by 459395 February 25, 2022
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You need lube, but because your campus living/ on a budget, the only thing you had to suffice was laundry detergent.
I needed some lube, but money was tight. The next best thing was some laundry detergent. While some people at the time were eating them, I figured I could rebrand the Tide Pod in a positive way; the Campus Tide Pod.
by Stripper Salt September 7, 2022
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