Working your fucking ass off for bull shit money
I got all this bs dough from working 7 days last week. I feel like a nigger
by Fat jun February 12, 2013
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A guy that enjoys wheeeling eighteen girls all at once and hides it by telling each one something to make them feel special.
B to girl # 1: YOUR SO PRETTY.


B to girl # 3: COME OVER? :)

and so on times 15 ... pulling a bs
by jsdkfbjkdngvjadfv December 23, 2009
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Short hand for flatbreads
The café on the corner has some mean Flatty Bs
by RKushin March 21, 2022
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Quick and dirty for Political BullShit, referring to whatever aspect of politics the user of the word is currently angry about.
Trump is in the news again which means more P-BS is on the way again.
by Duraiken June 15, 2017
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Licking the shit off a bulls ass after it takes a shit then proceeding to have anal sex with said bull
Cj:Man I had so much fun last night, there was alot of German BS going on.

Chris: DUDE thats nasty.

Nik: He has a point...
by Creestofuh April 30, 2010
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BS from law is that guy that somehow pulls a million women but cannot keep a single one.

He also does not pay for coffee.
"wow that dude is such a BS from law, he got ghosted by ANOTHER girl"
by BS from law May 2, 2023
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It´s the exact moment you realize someone is bullshitting you big time.
When Jane was telling me that unbelievable story about her sister , my bs alarm went off.
by Mar das Cuxinhas February 16, 2016
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