A person who has been recently released from prison.
Man, it is too soon for you to fall in love. You are fresh off the fence.
by Vampyre318 October 25, 2015
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The sensation of sublime cleanliness that follows a thorough washing of one's posterior using the bathroom water nozzle provided in some parts of the world.
I am nostalgic for those days in Doha when I would leave the lieu feeling 'nozzle fresh'.
by Ligua Frank-a November 13, 2013
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To bang fresh is to add a fresh bit of gash to one's sexual portfolio
I'm taking a girl from work to the ball, will bang fresh tonight!
by topman7890 October 19, 2013
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When you forget what your last hangover felt like and ready for another hangover that will make you not want to drink again.

Can also be used as a measure of time; Generally 1 week.
Bro1: You recovered from last weekend?

Bro2: nah man but Il have a probably have a fresh slate by Friday man.
by NormalBro December 28, 2022
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An act during sex when a guy is giving anal and he unexpectedly gets his dick shat on by the girl
Sally: “Hey, what did you do with Drew last night?”
Marissa: “He wanted to do something new during sex so I gave him the fresh corndog. He hated it.”
Sally: “Omg girl! You are such a crackhead.”
by Bedcliff June 28, 2021
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