A slang term used by some to denote people or individuals with apparent lack of emotion, morality, empathy and planning, usually beating each other over the head for toilet paper. A highly derogatory term.

The recent occurrence of zombie movies focuses heavily on the problems that irrational, unplanned and volatile individuals have on society, and hense where the modern term comes from.

The term denotes a class division and tension between the two that stems from two defined world orders.

1st: That of the Democratic value of utilitarianism and individual right to govern through elected responsibilities.

2nd: Advent of business wealth and organisation structures as the new influencer of human behaviour.

Currently in it's infant stages as mockery and disbelief at the seemingly irrational behaviours of normal people in group situations.

Cure: Enjoying the pleasures of your own oppertunities. Zen, zoga, planning, cooperation, lateral thinking, bad situational avoidence. Individual persuits of happiness. 'Brains' thinking for your self. Dezombifying through 1.5m social distancing, home issolation and accumulating food stocks to out last zombie state.

'go' zombie
Stay away from the super market those zombies are mascring everything in site, spreading their coronavirus germs everywhere and hording all the toilet paper.

Don't be such a zombie, leave some rolls on the shelf for the next zombie.

That guys a zombie, all he likes doing is hanging around all day, eating, moping, not helping in anyway. He's only knows other zombies, and if shit hit the fan he'd probably eat your face. What a zombie!
by m . March 30, 2020
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A person who has been killed, then reanimated. They are dead. Very, very dead. If you come into contact with a zombie you need to do one of two things, or both: 1. Run, 2. Kill it. Either way, you shouldn’t have them near you.

I would recommend making a plan for the ZA, just in case.
Me: Hey is that a zombie?
Person: Yeah
Me: We should go kill it

Brent and David got chased down the road by a couple of zombies.
by tealZ April 20, 2019
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DJ Dre (Andry) on Ice radio. a species of zombie that does not sleep, and if it decides to sit in the same place; let it be only for 1 hour and start at 5 AM. Losrrr
Person: Hey Andry when do you go to sleep!?
Andry: well i go to sleep at 5, but i'll be up before 7.
Person; J00 Zombie!!!!
by 7l-lF\ l>/-\/\/l)3/\/\1( August 24, 2008
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the state of being dead and alive at the same time

what a human feels (and looks like) after having a hangover
-look dude a zombie
-that's my wife without makeup

-i feel (and look like) a zombie
-hey me too
-who are you?
by SoCratesTheCook June 1, 2017
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bloody cannibals; quite fascinating
When someone is being annoying or selfish.
Friend 1: you're being such a Zombie right now!!!

Friend 2: what?!?!?!
by Momma knows best. June 15, 2011
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