when someone is thinking a bit too much about someone/things they want to do with someone so they need to take a breather
steve: are you ok?
charlie: yeah i need to touch grass
by the answers you need April 8, 2023
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1) The act of slapping one's penis against the revolutionary iPhone device in a desire to utilize the new input system. This is usually done with the intent of creating a pleasing "slapping" sound against the iPhone or other modile devices. The best way to do this is when you have men from two different ethnic backgrounds "multi-touching". This creates the greatest experience of "multi colored" "multi-touch".
1) Dude, lets go multi-touch on this new iPhone
by Steve Witherspoon June 15, 2007
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When a woman is receiving pleasure by a finger and her climax makes her spring into the air like she is have a seizure.
Todd: I just fingered Milly so hard that she had the orgasmic touch and screamed.
John: Nice, man!
by Poopcicle July 13, 2014
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This is the meaning of someone telling to go outside, and then touch the green and fresh grass, this is usually used by: People that has a mind, People that DOES not have a mind and only PEOPLE.
by SDLolistakenlmao September 26, 2022
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The term "touch grass" is a colloquial expression that has become popular on social media and in online communities. It generally means to go outside and spend time in nature or to take a break from the internet or other indoor activities.

The phrase "touch grass" has gained popularity in the context of online discourse, particularly in gaming and meme communities, where it is often used as a playful admonishment to people who spend too much time in front of screens. It is also sometimes used as a way to encourage people to take a break from their devices and engage in physical activity or outdoor recreation.

Overall, the term "touch grass" is meant to convey the importance of getting outside, connecting with nature, and taking a break from the digital world.
Person A: "I've been playing video games for six hours straight, my eyes hurt."

Person B: "Dude, you need to touch grass. Go outside and get some fresh air."
by KylomaskGamer April 30, 2023
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