A healthcare teacher with a large forehead who looks like Momo
Maddy: oh look its miss lay
Grace: no no no thats miss slay!!!!๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ โ™€๏ธ
Grace: fuck her no one likes her tho
by gmraadcieson July 14, 2022
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a women who goes out with a guy (sunny) for 12 hours
she is miss half day
by sunny leaver April 3, 2015
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shes a fucking weirdo. she like to have large black jizz in her face everyday.
she wants a miss aker.
by jimbobbillyjean December 6, 2011
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miss fador is a super bad teacher that poops his pants
When miss fador gets said he poops his pants
by gummi encheu\ October 18, 2019
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the teacher that slapped redskin and he cried cus his a vego cunt
seach for redskin and na mean.........
by eddie the boogen master June 16, 2004
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A young hip teacher whose clothes Emma Katherine's posse wants. She is kind of mean and has no personality.
Miss Zimmerman isn't a very good science teacher.
by supercutekid November 20, 2011
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Surging one's pace too early or too fast during a run or race and failing to keep it. This often results in hitting the wall, and irreparably kills a runner's chance to run a good time.
Damnit! I tried to pass that group on a hill and I ended upmissing a gear. I fucked up the rest of my race!
by clarke14 November 25, 2011
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